Animated Karbi Film “Kasang Alun” Showcased At Tribal Future Fest, Highlights Importance Of Preserving Folklore

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Posted in Assam, Featured, Northeast
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Guwahati, Aug 10: Guwahati-based illustrator and animation filmmaker Krishnabh Thengal presented his animated film “Kasang Alun” at the 9th day of the Tribal Future Fest, moderated by Shweta Guria. The film, inspired by the local folklore of Assam’s Karbi community, explores the challenges of keeping ancient traditions alive in a fast-paced world.

The 30-minute presentation showcased the film, which tells the story of Sita and Ram through the eyes of an elderly Karbi woman, Kasang. The narrative delves into the delicate balance between preserving cultural heritage and adapting to changing times.

Thengal shared his collaborative process with the Karbi community’s knowledge keepers, highlighting the importance of staying true to cultural essence while transforming age-old stories into visually stunning animations.

The session concluded with a Q&A, discussing the role of animation in cultural preservation, unique characteristics of Karbi storytelling, and the broader impact of such projects.

The Tribal Future Fest, a month-long celebration of contemporary tribal creativity, aims to showcase and share the work of talented tribal members, highlighting the importance of preserving folklore and cultural heritage through innovative and creative means.

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