A devastating car accident occurred on the night of October 31, 2024, in Guwahati’s Khanapara, resulting in the deaths of two young individuals, Deepit Dey and Konamika Narjaree. The accident involved a high-speed collision between two cars, a black Scorpio and a white Scorpio, near the Khanapara footbridge.
CCTV footage revealed that the driver of the white Scorpio, Gautam Khandelwal, attempted a U-turn, causing the oncoming black Scorpio to lose control and crash. The impact was severe, causing both vehicles to wreck and damaging the Khanapara footbridge. Two young women, including Neha Basumatary, and the driver of the white Scorpio were rushed to the hospital in critical condition.
Deepit’s father, who initially thought his son was at fault, filed an FIR against Gautam Khandelwal after viewing the CCTV footage. “I thought it was my son’s fault… However, the CCTV footage clearly shows that the white Scorpio was at fault entirely,” he stated.
The police have begun investigating the matter, and the FIR filing marks the beginning of the legal process. After the preliminary investigation, the police will present a report to the magistrate, which may lead to a closure report or a charge sheet.