Assam: Aaranyak Hosts “Nature’s Wonderland” Program To Promote Urban Biodiversity Awareness In Guwahati

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Guwahati, Dec 17: Aaranyak, a leading biodiversity conservation organization, successfully hosted the eighth chapter of its “Nature’s Wonderland – A Journey of Curiosity” program on December 15, aimed at promoting awareness about urban biodiversity. The event, in collaboration with the Assam State Zoo cum Botanical Garden and Wipro Earthian, was designed to help participants reconnect with nature within the urban environment of Guwahati.

Set in the biodiversity-rich landscape of Guwahati, which is surrounded by hills, forests, the Deepor Beel wetland, and the Brahmaputra River, the program drew 30 participants, including students and their parents. The city’s unique urban-natural blend provided an ideal backdrop to highlight the importance of preserving green spaces and promoting biodiversity conservation.

Throughout the day, experts led interactive sessions to explore various aspects of urban biodiversity. Speakers included Pranjal Mahananda, biologist at the Assam State Zoo; Dr. Jayaditya Purkayastha, herpetologist and CEO of Help Earth; Abhisek Sarkar, GIS expert at Aaranyak; and Nitul Kalita, project officer at Aaranyak’s Tiger Research & Conservation Division. The discussions covered topics such as the significance of urban green spaces, the effects of climate change on wildlife, and the need for community-driven conservation efforts.

Jayanta Kumar Pathak, Senior Manager at Aaranyak’s Environment Education and Capacity Building Division, also highlighted the concept of eco-therapy and the benefits of nature on mental health, particularly in urban settings. The program aimed to inspire participants to recognize the value of urban nature and become actively involved in its preservation.

Through this initiative, Aaranyak sought to strengthen the bond between people and nature, promote biodiversity documentation, and emphasize the critical role of urban ecosystems in sustaining environmental health.

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