Tenyimi Union Nagaland Strongly Opposes Indo-Myanmar Border Fencing

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Posted in Featured, Nagaland, Northeast
NET Web Desk

Kohima, Jan 9: The Tenyimi Union Nagaland (TUN), an umbrella organization representing five major tribes in the state, has expressed firm opposition to the Central government’s plan to fence the Indo-Myanmar border. The union, which includes the Angami, Chakhesang, Pochury, Rengma, and Zeliang tribes, argues that the proposed fencing would severely disrupt cultural ties, hinder economic activities, and disconnect Naga communities.

In a statement released on Wednesday, TUN President Kekhwengulo Lea warned that the border fence would isolate communities, obstruct cross-border trade, and limit access to vital services such as education and healthcare. “This fence is not merely a physical barrier; it is an attack on our identity, heritage, and dignity,” Lea said.

The TUN also raised concerns about the historical importance of the Free Movement Regime (FMR), which has facilitated cross-border interactions for Naga communities. The union fears that the fencing would sever these vital connections, leading to further social and economic challenges.

The TUN has called on the Central government to reconsider its decision and protect the rights and dignity of the Naga people while safeguarding their ancestral lands. Additionally, the union has urged Naga communities to unite in opposing the border fencing to ensure a secure and prosperous future.

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