Agartala, June 03, 2024: A harrowing incident of domestic dispute turned deadly in the late hours of Saturday night in the tranquil vicinity of Manikgarh Khushi Mata Gas Godown area under Sabroom police station of Sepahijala district. Eyewitness accounts unveil a grim narrative, revealing the fatal demise of Sanjib allegedly at the hands of his inebriated wife, Jayanti Nama Roy.
As the clock struck midnight, the peaceful serenity of the neighborhood was shattered by the tumultuous uproar emanating from the Roy household. Reports suggest that amidst a haze of intoxication, a heated altercation ensued between the couple, culminating in a tragic crescendo. Sanjib Roy’s life was cruelly snuffed out within the confines of his own home, purportedly by a sharp-edged weapon wielded by his wife.
The ghastly scene unfolded swiftly, leaving bystanders in shock and horror. Witnesses recount Jayanti Nama Roy fleeing the scene under the shroud of darkness, leaving behind a cacophony of distraught family members. Prompt intervention by local law enforcement saw the retrieval of Sanjib Roy’s lifeless body, subsequently transported to Sabroom sub-divisional hospital pending autopsy procedures scheduled for Sunday.
In the wake of the heinous incident, forensic experts have been summoned to meticulously scrutinize the crime scene, as authorities delve deeper into unraveling the truth behind this chilling act of violence. A glimmer of justice flickered on the horizon as Sabroom police station’s relentless pursuit culminated in the apprehension of the alleged perpetrator, Jayanti Nama Roy, in the early hours of the morning.