Agartala, October 31, 2023: A momentous occasion unfolded in the heart of Nischintapur on Monday, as a sexagenarian Annan Mia, a local resident, stood witness to a moment he once deemed impossible in his lifetime. Emotion welled up within him as he watched the trial run of a goods train in the Agartala-Akhaura rail link project, underscoring the profound impact of this infrastructure initiative on the lives of the people.
Accompanied by his grandson, Annan Mia, his voice quivering with emotion, reminisced about his pivotal role in facilitating the railway project. He proudly proclaimed, “I provided the land for the realization of this railway project, and if Eastern Frontier Railway requires more land for further development, I am prepared to contribute.”
This symbolic moment between India and Bangladesh marks a growing bond between the two nations, fostering mutual assistance and cooperation across various sectors. The enhancement of the communication system is seen as the key to unprecedented progress for the state. The improvement in connectivity with Bangladesh is poised to yield far-reaching benefits, not only for Tripura but for the entire North East region.
The Agartala-Akhaura rail project has now reached its final phase, with an official inauguration scheduled for November 1, featuring the Prime Ministers of both India and Bangladesh participating via virtual presence. As a precursor to this historic event, a goods train from Bangladesh’s Gangasagar station made its experimental journey to Nischintapur station in Tripura on Monday.
At the Indo-Bangla border, a crowd of locals assembled to witness this historic crossing, the train’s sirens resonating through the air. Among the onlookers, the 68-year-old Annan Mia stood out for his profound emotional response.
In a voice trembling with sentiment, he expressed, “Our roots in Nischintapur date back to my father and great grandfather’s time, and we have encountered numerous changes in this bordering area. But today, the landscape has undergone a complete transformation with the arrival of the railways. I never dreamt that I would see a train from Bangladesh reach Nischintapur in my lifetime. It still feels like a dream.”
Announcing his significant contribution to the project, he continued, “I provided the land for this railway, and I am ready to allocate more land as the railways require. I am in agreement with the idea of progress. The establishment of the Agartala-Akhaura rail link will greatly benefit the residents of Nishchintapur and neighbouring areas, promoting economic prosperity alongside the strengthening of ties with Bangladesh.”
Reflecting on the decision to offer land for the project, he acknowledged, “When the railways initially approached us for land, I hesitated in making a decision. But, I now understand that my courageous choice that day has allowed me to witness this momentous occasion today.”
Annan Mia’s willingness to contribute land for the railway project reflects the cooperative spirit of many others in the region who recognized the potential of this venture. Their timely support has paved the way for newfound communication corridors between India and Bangladesh, ultimately ushering in a brighter future not only for Tripura but for the entire North-East region.