First Ever Miss Universe Nagaland India Open Audition Kicks Off Today

NET Web Desk

The stage is all set to conduct the first Miss Universe Nagaland India open audition today at Niathu resort Chumukedima, marking a significant milestone in the state’s pageantry landscape as it makes its debut in the coveted pageant.

The event is being held under the aegis of Beauty and Aesthetics Society of Nagaland, organisers of Miss Nagaland.

The open audition for the selection of Miss Universe Nagaland India will commence from 11:00 AM while, spot registration will also be available from 9:30AM to 10:30 AM.

The panel of judges for the open audition will include Amjad Khan, Director Operations & Marketing Miss Universe India and Asmita Chakraborty Miss Tourism India 2023.

The winner of Miss Universe Nagaland India open audition will receive a direct entry to Miss Universe India, a national-level platform affiliated with the Miss Universe pageant.

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