Meghalaya: NEHU Adopts UGC Guidelines For Enhanced Education

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Posted in Featured, Meghalaya, Northeast
NET Web Desk

Shillong, Sept 21: North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU) is adopting University Grants Commission (UGC) guidelines to improve educational standards and address student concerns. This follows feedback from the North-Eastern Hill University Students’ Union (NEHUSU) regarding the grading system for the Post Graduate batch of 2022-2024.

The university has tasked the Examination Department with reviewing the grading system to ensure compliance with UGC standards and NEHU Ordinance OC-20. Recommendations will be submitted to the university’s statutory bodies for approval, which will require the assent of the Visitor of the University, the President of India.

NEHU assures students that they will continue to be governed by the existing Ordinance and the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, despite the approval process taking time.

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