NESO Condemns Supreme Court Decision On Oting Massacre, Demands Justice And Repeal Of AFSPA

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Posted in Featured, Nagaland, Northeast
NET Web Desk

Kohima, Sept 24: The North East Students’ Organisation (NESO) has strongly condemned the Supreme Court’s decision to close criminal proceedings against military personnel involved in the Oting massacre, which killed 14 civilians in Nagaland’s Mon district on December 4, 2021.

Despite a thorough investigation by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) implicating 30 soldiers, the Union Government has not granted prosecution sanctions. NESO labeled the ruling a denial of justice, warning it deepens the region’s sense of alienation.

The organisation renewed its demands for the prosecution of the accused and the repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), citing its role in perpetuating violence and impunity in the North East.

NESO’s condemnation comes amid widespread criticism of the Supreme Court’s decision, with many organisations slamming the ruling as a setback for justice and human rights in the region.

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