Kohima, Sept 20: The Nagaland Wrestling Association (NWA) has selected 36 wrestlers to participate in the 12th All India Traditional Wrestling & Pankration Federation National Championship 2024. The event will take place in Dehradun from October 3 to 6, 2024.
The selection trials were held at IG Stadium, Multi-Purpose Hall “B,” with 61 participants from three affiliated units of the NWA competing for spots on the team.
A coaching camp for the selected wrestlers will begin at IG Stadium on September 25. All selected athletes are required to attend the camp.
Selected Wrestlers:
Men Senior Belt & Mas Wrestling
+100 Kg: Menuosetuo Yiese, Rukukhoto Khusoh
100 Kg: Venuzo Dawhuo, Thepfuvilie Neikha
90 Kg: Hülüyi D. Vadeo, Vevokho Ruho
80 Kg: Kuvenu Puro, Seyiejalie Gwirie (Belt Only)
71 Kg: Kuluvezo Soho, Rokuokehie Khawakhrie (Belt Only)
65 Kg: Lhupra Vero, Neikhotuo Keditsu
59 Kg: Wezutsho Venuh, Nelhouvituo Suohumvü
54 Kg: Kezevikho Sachü, Vichülhoutuo Rhetso
49 Kg: Tsuveto Resuh, Zhovi Kehie
45 Kg: Pude Hesuh
Men Senior Mas Wrestling Only
80 Kg: Zhopao Movi
71 Kg: Bisekhoto Gwirie
Senior Women Belt & Mas Wrestling
+70 Kg: Vikehenuo Zümvü, Thejaneinuo Thevo
70 Kg: Haizeuyile
63 Kg: Thujosulü Tetseo, Vetavolü Puyo-o
56 Kg: Vekhonielü Cürha, Vizoneino Keditsu
50 Kg: Megolhoukhonuo Thevo, Nosezono Kuotsu
Men Cadet Belt Wrestling
71 Kg: Nubasa Rhakho
66 Kg: Mulukhro Nakro, Mulubi Dzudo
59 Kg: Kevilekho Peki, Peramreudibo Hegwang
54 Kg: Thepfukedo Kimho
Women Cadet Belt Wrestling
70 Kg: Khrielhounuo Thevo
45 Kg: Kulungolu Nakro