Indian Army Organizes Extensive Activities Across Tinsukia Assam To Commemorate World Environment Day

NET Web Desk

In a resounding commitment to environmental stewardship and community engagement, the Indian Army organized a series of events across Tinsukia district on the occasion of World Environment Day, celebrated on 5th June 2024.

These initiatives aimed to foster awareness about environmental conservation and sustainability among local communities and school children.

Comprehensive events were conducted at various locations to include Kordoiguri Higher Secondary School in Diasajan, collaborated events with Gorkha Mahila Samiti at Lekhapani alongside the local community of Tinsukia.

The event witnessed participation of 200 students, teaching staff, and locals. A lecture themed ‘Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience’ provided in-depth insights into pressing environmental issues like deforestation, global warming and waste management.

Emphasizing the three R’s – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, the lecture significantly impacted attendees, motivating them towards environmental conservation. The event concluded with the plantation of 500 tree saplings and a cleanliness drive, reinforcing the commitment to environmental health.

These extensive activities carried out in Tinsukia region underscore the Indian Army’s dedication to environmental sustainability and community welfare. The enthusiastic participation and the significant impact of these events highlight the collective effort towards a greener and more sustainable future.

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