SPORTTO Soccer Club Kerala Offers Scholarship To Sikkim Boy

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Sikkim, 8 June: The Sikkim Football Association is pleased to announce that Khenchok Zimpa Bhutia, resident of Changay (Gumpa), Namcheybong, has been offered a scholarship by Sportto Soccer Club, Kerala.

Sporto Soccer Club is a prestigious club based out of Kerala and has been nurturing top level talent to take their skills to the highest levels. The club had earlier conducted trials at Gangtok in association with the SFA, and after selections, 5 candidates had been selected. Bhutia was one of the selectees and the proud parents Mr. Pema Ongchen Bhutia and Mrs. Sonam Diki Bhutia had been in consultation with the SFA for guidance and support.

“It is a matter of pride that Sikkimese talent is being offered scholarship in top level academies in India and the SFA will always provide guidance and consultation to parents as we consider each and every selected athlete to be a son of Sikkim. We also congratulate the other selectees for their achievement. We also remind them that the journey ahead is long and hard so they must work diligently and sincerely.” Said Mr. Phurba Sherpa, General Secretary, SFA.

“We are always in support of top class institutions coming to scout our boys and girls, and we definitely see the standard of football is increasing in Sikkim. The SFA is committed to youth development and will always have its doors wide open for anyone wishing to seek consultation and guidance regarding such career prospects”, said Mr. Chewang “Paul” Shangderpa, Vice President, SFA.

Khenchock Zimpa Bhutia and his parents called on SFA today at Football House for final consultation.

“We are thankful to SFA and Sportto for encouraging our son to make a career in football, and to learn from top level coaches in the country. We hope to see him playing at the highest level for our country. We are also thankful to the Government of Sikkim for creating the infrastructure to encourage local talents.”, said Mr. Bhutia, a proud father.

Khenchok shall now travel with his parents to Kerala on 10th June to report to the academy for the new session.

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